Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hi all!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We, in the Joykids team LOVE Christmas :) It's a wonderful time to show others love and compassion, bake lots of Christmas treats, enjoy Hot Chocolate while singing Christmas carols and spend time with people we love!

Amongst that, there are people who don't have as much as we do. Remember, you can consider changing someone's live in another country. If you go to you can order something for their gift catalogue.

Also, please remember to pray for others who have a difficult time at Christmas. I know of several people who have lost family members recently. It's a tough time of year to be without a loved one. Also, it can be stressful for some too, as they don't have good family relationships. So, be sure to spend time praying for school friends or co-workers who have a tough family life.

This Saturday, our Joykids radio show will be doing it's annual Christmas carol countdown! We will be taking votes to find out the 5 most popular Christmas carols :) Let's see if Silent Night will make it on the list! It was last year's winner and is so far, not even in the top 5 for this year!!!

Joykids is on air this Saturday at 8 am. You can listen to us live at :) Enjoy and Merry Christmas and remember to keep Jesus the focus of Christmas.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christmas Ideas!!

Hi all!!!

Hope you are enjoying your November so far! In just over a month, it will be Christmas Day :)

I know it is still early, but I know many people who are already asking for Christmas gift lists. So, here are some of the suggestions that we love here in the Boreland household:

We mentioned a few weeks ago about the Samaritan's Purse shoe boxes (Operation Christmas Child). The pick up week in Canada is November 21-27. If you go to the website, they have a lot of ideas on how to pack a shoe box and you can even find drop off locations for your shoe boxes.

What I love about the shoe boxes, is that our kids have so much fun with it! They pick items up from a store, pack the shoe boxes and get to take them to a drop off location. It's very involved for them and they love knowing that the shoe box will help a boy or girl during the Christmas season.

Another suggestion is the World Vision gift catalogue. Are you someone who has enough and often wonders what to tell people to get you for Christmas? Or, as a parent, do you want to limit how many gifts your child gets? Or, are you just wanting your family to do more than just give each other gifts? A gift catalogue from World Vision is an amazing idea!

There are items in the catalogue that you can pick which will change a life in many countries around the world. There are things like animals, to clothing to medicine and farming supplies. All of which will impact and change someone's life! You ask for the gift, it is bought from the catalogue and given to a family in need.

Why not think of picking a gift from the World Vision catalogue? Instead of getting another DVD, sweater or gift card from a store, why not ask for a gift from the catalogue, which will go to help someone in need.

For more info, you can go to :)

Why not think of ways that you and your family can be generous this Christmas :)

Thanks and hope you have a wonderful rest of the month!!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Samaritan's Purse

Hello all!

I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving week-end! It was amazing weather in Southern and Central Ontario :) It was so warm and beautiful. Amazing how much things can change in a week. We went from it being humid to very cold (as in, needing gloves) within five days!

It shouldn't surprise me at all! This is Canada folks! We can enjoy four seasons within a day around here :D

Anyhow, the reason I am making this post is to remind you all about Operation Christmas Child. Towards the middle of November, Samaritan's Purse collects shoe boxes, that you fill with toys, soap, socks, pencils, etc. which will then be shipped to children around the world in need (just in time for Christmas). You can head over to to get all the information about it, info on what to put into the shoe box, places you can go to drop them off once you fill a shoe box, etc. All the info is on the website.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your October :)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sept is here!

Hi again!

I am already missing summer :( !! Seriously, I miss the long days, the warm evenings, the fact that I have family members who have pools (that we get to enjoy when we visit), my dad's cottage... I'm missing them already (and summer is not even over, technically).

Labour day is tomorrow, and then after that, it's back to school for the kids. Our daughter is homeschooled, so I'll be back into the crazy schedule of teaching, programs with other homeschooled kids and before I can even blink, it's Christmas... LOL.

So, like I said... I'm already missing summer!

That's not to say that I don't love the autumn. It's beautiful to see the colour of the leaves, how they look against a clear blue sky on a sunny day. I also love pumpkins and squash and apple cider and Thanksgiving. But, all that aside... I'm not ready for summer to end!

But, as with all things, time does move along. As it is September now, please remember to pray for the kids going back to school. Pray for the teachers, school staff and all the things that happen in the fall for those who don't attend a traditional school. It's always an adjustment to get back into the 'swing of things', back to making lunches everyday, getting the kids out the door for school (or, in my case, the many places we go to with homeschoolers, it's true... homeschoolers are rarely home!) and the start of evening programs.

Also, for many parents, it's an adjustment too, to get back into the routine of regular work hours, vacations ending etc. With all of that going on for so many (including Church workers and volunteers, who are getting their programs starting up again), much prayer is needed.

So, thanks to those of you who read the blog and who listen to Joykids radio ( It is appreciated so very much! Thanks for your continued prayers, we are so very blessed by them! Thanks also for how you will lift up the school kids and families this next week :) So, even though summer is on it's way out, we do have MUCH to be thankful for!

Bless you and Happy Labour Day!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Please pray

Just a quick note to ask you all to remember to pray for us over the next while. The joykids team has a busy August and Sept. We've got a few performances coming up and are always needing to be covered in prayer for the shows.

There's so many aspects to a performance... From going over each presentation again and again rehearsing, loading up our van, getting directions, check lists, set up, the performance itself with so many details during it, tear down, talking to all the boys and girls, getting home safely, unpacking all the gear... If one thing goes wrong, the entire show could have problems. We've had flat tires, gotten lost, been sick during our presentations, had back problems (that affect how we can lift gear), had power outages... So many different aspects.

At most shows we've done, we've had audience members who have heard nothing about Jesus, so it's important that we get to the destination safely and have no sound problems or health problems! God has been so good to help us carry on!! We don't mention that list above to be negative, or for you to think that we're rolling our eyes. It's simply so that our readers and listeners know what goes on before and then during and after a show. There's more to it than an hour long presentation. Again, God is so very good!! The opportunities we've had during these years to share about Jesus is exciting!

We're so appreciative of the Joykids listeners who pray for us regularly. We don't ever want to forget how many people continually pray for the radio show, Joy1250 and the Joykids team. It's what has kept us going!! So, THANK YOU!!!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunsets and more

I'm sitting here in front of the computer, watching the beautiful sunset and thinking about how much God has blessed us. We don't have a huge house (we live in a tiny apartment) and shop at second hand stores, but we are still blessed!

God continues to provide for us again and again. In fact, when I think of our family, I can't help but be amazed. Our son Lazarus, who turned three in June is in fact a miracle.

I have talked about this a few times before and have shared the story on the Joykids radio show (heard each Saturday morning on Joy 1250, I was told that he may not survive when I was pregnant with him and in fact, a couple of times Doctor's suggested that I terminate the pregnancy. It was a tough pregnancy, I ended with complete bedrest for over 4 months and had to make several trips to the ER... BUT, God provided us with a healthy baby! Lazarus is full of life, full of energy (seriously) and is a joy to our lives. With his life, with how God has blessed us with an incredible daughter Shanarah who makes us smile each and every day, I can't ever say that we're not blessed.

So, remember to count your blessings! Think of the old hymn which reminds us to think of how God has given us so much. No one has a perfect life, there are many trials and sometimes, for some of you it may be hard to wake up in the morning... BUT, lean on God. He has promised to never leave or forsake us!

Remember, you can always get a hold of us through our e-mail,

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yeah :)

Hi all!

Happy long week-end! That's right, it's almost August. It's the Civic Holiday week-end. It's hard to believe that summer is half over already :(

Seeing as we've not had a car for a couple of weeks, it has kind of not felt like a 'true' summer. Usually, we're driving to my dad's cottage, we're visiting family, having BBQ's and going to splash pads with friends. But, this year, it's been a little different. Not different in a bad way, but just not the 'norm'.

During all this, we've tried to continually thank God for what He provides for us. We had family and a couple of friends make sure we had groceries, drives to church, etc. Also, we are within walking distance of the library, a park, even a store to make sure we could get milk. We kept saying to each other 'this is more than a lot of people have'.

So, all that to say, it's awesome to know and appreciate how much God has given! Plus, the good news is that we have a van now :) We are enjoying having 'wheels' again. Also, it's got an air conditioner, we have not had an a/c unit in our car for over three years now and we are ENJOYING it! This is the first time we have a cd player in a car too... So, yeah! We're finally getting with the times (yeah, I know...People have cars with docking systems for their Ipods and phones and we're just getting a cd player... LOL).

So, we're truly thankful! God has provided for us again.

We just wanted to give you all an update, as people have been asking us about our car situation. Thank you to so many of you who have been praying for us. We meet people all the time who let us know that they pray for our family and the Joykids ministry. It's so humbling to know that people do that for us and we appreciate it so much!

Bless you and enjoy your week-end!


P.S. - Please be in prayer for the Kingdom Bound festival just outside Buffalo at the Darien Lake's Theme park which is going on right now. There will be thousands of people there over the next few days. Please pray for safety with so many traveling, for the hundreds and hundreds of volunteers who help at the festival, for the artists and speakers who will be performing and for those who will choose to make a commitment to follow Jesus :)

Monday, July 18, 2011


Hi all!

We hope you are enjoying your summer so far! It has finally gotten 'hot', it seemed to take a while before we got our heat wave, but it's finally here :)

Dale, Shanarah, Lazarus and I have been enjoying the summer. We love the long days, being together and just enjoying the warmer weather.

Anyhow, this is the update part that I wanted to share with you all. We are in desperate need of prayer right now. Our car died last week, so we are without a vehicle. We can see God's hand in this, as we were able to safely pull the car over to the side of the road, call CAA and find a ride home from the mechanic (thanks to my wonderful Aunt who dropped everything and drove us home). But, the bad news... The car is not worth fixing.

So, to make a long story short, we really need a car (soon). Right now, we're able to walk to the store and hang out around home, BUT, we've got several performances coming up, places like the Dr's, family events we're supposed to get to (you get the idea, we have ALL become accustomed to driving in our society).

As this is becoming a novel, I'll try to quickly end the post. If you think of us, please be in prayer that we'll find a car soon, (that is not too expensive)!

We know God provides! He has never, never let us down. We are thankful that God has given us so much. We have a roof over our heads, food and our health. So, we're just praying that He again meets our need :)

Bless you all! Remember, you can e-mail us 24/7 at

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Canada is 144!!!!!

Hope you all had a safe and happy Canada day :)

We are so very blessed to live in such a wonderful country! God has given us so so very much to be thankful for here in this wonderful place. We can go to school, there are so many places to buy things like food, we have doctors and hospitals, parks to play in. Most of you who are boys and girls (who are reading this) have a room of our own (or some may share one with a brother or sister) that has a bed and is filled with toys. We also have churches that we can attend to learn about Jesus.

God has indeed blessed us here in Canada!

Please remember to pray for this great country! Pray that the leaders in Government will make wise decisions. Also, that for the boys and girls going on vacations with their families will be safe and have a good break from school.

Thanks for reading and have a good summer :)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hi again :)

We wanted to ask you about Pray around the World (a segment we have on the Joykids radio show). It is a segment where we pick a place each week and ask our listeners to pray for that place.

Anyhow, this week, we are asking you all to pray for Summer Camps. Many families send their children to camps over the summer. Some go for the whole summer, others just for a week. Some of you who are reading this will be going to a day camp.

Camps need our prayer! They have a lot of staff to manage, programs they have to run, keeping the grounds clean and things working. Many of the camps are Christian based camps. There are many kids who are hearing about Jesus for the first time, or maybe they are hearing it again, but will actually 'get it' this time around.

We have an opportunity to pray for the leaders of the many Camp grounds who will be leading many to Christ this summer, we have an opportunity to pray for the thousands of kids who will be leaving home (we need to pray that they will all be safe). We have an opportunity to pray and be a blessing to others.

So, for this week, please pray for these things :)

Have a great day everyone and remember, you can listen to the Joykids radio show each Saturday morning at from 8-10 am. Also, you can get a hold of us 24/7 at!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Hello again!

We had a wonderful time yesterday with the people at Roseville United Brethren church, just outside of Kitchener, ON. It was a blast!

We've got a busy summer ahead, which we're looking forward to.

Remember, if you'd like us to come to your church to perform a set for either your kids group, or a church family service, a fun day, or even at a wedding to entertain the guests while you get your photos taken, let us know. We've got a variety of 'acts' during our show.

There's puppets and ventriloquism for the kids, stories and songs for all ages and some skits to keep the adults happy (although they love the puppets just as much as the kids do)! We even have prizes and illusions with a Gospel application.

Let us know if you're interested in booking us for your event!

You can find us on Facebook under Joykids radio, or e-mail us at

Thanks and have an amazingly Blessed day :)


Friday, June 24, 2011

Welcome Summer

Hello all!

Welcome to summer :) I LOVE, LOVE summer... I think I may have said that already in an earlier post.

Anyhow, the Joykids team is going to be very busy this summer. We've got a couple of Joykids live performances coming up (one is this Sunday, June 26th) at Roseville United Brethren church in Ayr. I'm looking forward to it! We've performed for them before and they are an amazing bunch of people!! Our shows have a lot of high energy things like puppetry, ventriloquism, skits, stories, games and prizes and illusions with a Biblical application. It's hard to believe that we've been performing the Joykids live shows for 12 years now! God has been so very faithful to us during these years too :)

Also, we've got performances in July, plus a few ones in August. All in all, a busy, but mega fun time! God is VERY good to us all, isn't He?

So, please be in prayer for us as we are on the road.

Thanks and have a great summer!

Please also feel free to e-mail us your prayer requests too. Dale, Shanarah and I love to be in prayer for our Joykids radio listeners. So, don't hesitate to let us know.



e-mail at:

Or, look for us on Facebook under Joykids Radio.

Monday, June 13, 2011

More info!

Here is our e-mail address, so you can contact the Joykids Live team. If you have any questions about our radio show 'Joykids' which is heard on Joy 1250 (or on Saturday mornings, or questions about our Joykids Live performances, you can e-mail us!

It is

Thanks and have a bless day :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Welcome June!

Hi all! It's June. It's hard to believe that summer is just around the corner and that school will be out in a few weeks. I am SO very ready for the summer to begin.

Why you may ask? Well, I love the longer days, going to BBQ's at friends places, enjoying swimming in the lake at my dad's cottage and just seeing the joy on the faces of my children as they roast marshmallows by a campfire or they watch fireworks on July 1st.

We have and serve and amazingly creative and wonderful God! He has given us so very much to enjoy in this world! Just the difference in the seasons in itself is fun. There is so much beauty in the world around us, and I can see and enjoy so much of that beauty in the summer months.

I truly hope you have a safe and happy June! If your church is hosting a 'kids camp' or VBS this summer, please let me know through e-mail at and I will happily post it on the Facebook page for Joykids,

Also, remember the Joykids live team is taking bookings for our live show this summer and fall. Our live show features a full hour of puppetry, ventriloquism, games with prizes, skits, stories and songs. It is a fun show that is good for a kids program or even a church family service or outreach event. For details on the show, you can e-mail us with any questions you have, or hear more about it on the Joykids radio show each Saturday morning from 8-10 am on Joy 1250, or

Thanks, have a wonderful day and God Bless you!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Victoria Day

Hi there everyone! Hope you are getting ready for Victoria Day week-end! I know that with the long week-end coming up, people are excited about summer. At this point, I know I'm ready for the temperatures to warm up. Spring seems to be somewhat cold this year :(

Anyhow, please remember to be safe this week-end! That means, if you're traveling to your cottage that (for parents) you drive safely.

If your family is doing a fireworks display with friends, family or neighbours, remember to be SAFE with the fireworks. Please parents, make sure that you don't set them off under trees (which I've seen someone do), that you don't aim them at someone's house (which I've also seen someone do). The fireworks should be placed in a bucket of sand before they are launched. Also, having a bucket of water close by is important. The whole idea of a fireworks is for FUN. Nobody wants to get hurt, or have a fire start. So, please be responsible and remember that children are watching and learning by example :)

I love fireworks, the colours, the excitement and even hearing the corny noises of people saying 'Ooohhh and Ahhhh". It's super fun and God has blessed us so very much to live in a place like Canada.

Thanks and have a super, safe and happy Victoria Day week-end!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's May

Hi again everyone!

It is May :) I love seeing the flowers out and the trees blossoming this time of year :) There is something about the days being longer and all the birds making nests that make me smile.

Let's please remember to pray for peace in the middle east. With the changes in so many countries political situations (Libya, Lebanon) and with the death of Osama Bin Laden, we need to pray for our own leaders (that the will make wise choices in dealing with other world leaders). Please also pray for our troops overseas, who are fighting to keep Canada safe.

Also, remember each and every day that God is a GOOD God! We may not understand what is going on around us, but God does. He has a plan for everything and nothing surprises Him!!

If you are discouraged about what you hear on the news, something that we do as a family to help remind us that God is in control and that He is there no matter what, is to make a list of how He has provided for us.

It can be as simple as writing down three things you are thankful for (your family, being able to vote in an election, for the sunshine, etc). Then, tomorrow, write down three more things. Or, what we do as a family, is to list things that we can think of at that moment. Usually, we run out of room on the piece of paper. When we can see or remember what God has done for us (provided us with a wonderful country to live in like Canada, provided us with sunshine, etc.) it helps us to be more thankful and trusting!

Also, write down Bible verses and put them up around your home. We do that too. So, when we're walking by the fridge, or by the computer we see a Bible verse posted there. The Bible is what God has given us to help us learn about Him, to see His heart. So, let's use it more!

Thanks and Bless you all!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy March Break!

Happy March Break everyone!!!

I hope you have a great week, whether you're off school for a week, whether you're on vacation, or just hanging out at home.

May you feel the peace and presence of God near you!

Hope you enjoy the Joykids episode tomorrow (Saturday morning at 8 am on

Also, remember to change your clocks before bed tomorrow night for Daylight Savings time - That means, 'spring forward'!!!

Be blessed :)

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