Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hi everyone!

I hope you have had a wonderful autumn and are enjoying December! We've had such a busy autumn ourselves! We had several bookings in September. Then, my Grandma went home to Heaven in October, just before Thanksgiving. We spent November getting ready for the busy December we've been having. We are truly thankful that God has given us the opportunity to perform in so many capacities! Both Dale and myself have been able to sing together again after a long break. Also, Dale is working sound for a production of the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe again this year. Again, we're so thankful that the Lord has given us these opportunities!

Christmas is such a fun, wonderfully busy time of year. I really do love Christmas, seeing the lights on the front of peoples houses, buying gifts for friends and family and singing Christmas carols! But, it's not just about all those fun things!

Christmas is a time when we remember what Jesus did for us. He left Heaven to be born in a stable, he came down to earth, to grow up and die on a cross. All because He loved you and I! That's the best present ever!

So, please take time to focus on that this Christmas Season.

Remember, you can look for us on facebook under Joykids Radio (look for the yellow smiley face). Also, tune into Joykids every Saturday at 8 am on!

Merry Christmas :)


Friday, August 20, 2010


Joy… Children will understand the fruit of joy as a feeling of being happy and having fun. This can be related to the enjoyment of family time, games, playing outside, birthday parties and favorite activities.

Joy as a fruit of the Spirit can also be related to the happiness of seeing a special person who has been absent for a long time. The gift of Joy goes deeper; it’s more like contentment in knowing that God is in control. I see joy in the fact that the Lord of all creation wants to be involved in your life and mine.

Share the Joy
Doctor Dale

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day everyone!!!

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy long week-end! We are truly blessed to live in such a great nation!

We have much to be thankful for! Think about it, we have things like lakes to swim in, communities with parks and swimming pools and playgrounds. Then, in the fall, all of the kids go back to school. School might not be fun for some of you, but there, you get to learn how to add, subtract and read and write. Those are all important things that will help you in life. Many boys and girls around the world never get to learn those things! We also have a lot of freedom in Canada. We can go to church and read our Bible when we like.

So, remember to thank God for allowing us to live in such a great place! Also, please take time to pray for our leaders, that they will make good decisions.

Bless you all! This is just a quick note to thank you for listening to Joykids!


P.S.- remember to look for us on Facebook! Under Joykids Radio :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Joykids Info

Hi there!

Now that spring is here, the Joykids team is busy. I guess it's like that for a lot of people, almost like we come out of hibernation :) Between April and October, the Joykids team is out with our live shows. It's a blast to meet new people and share about Jesus and how He has changed our lives!

Anyhow, you can visit us on the web, the link is just above this post and also find us on facebook (under Joykids radio). So, if you have any questions about booking us or want any information about our shows, you can contact us through our website or facebook.

Take care and have a blessed day!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter is here!!

Hi there!

It is now April :) The feeling of spring is in the air, the flowers are starting to appear and the grass is slowly turning green.

I love this time of year :) It is such a 'new' feeling. That is something like why we celebrate Easter, isn't it? At Easter, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made. How He gave up his life for us. Because of Jesus and His death and resurrection, we can be made new and have our sins forgiven. I think it's wonderful that we celebrate Jesus' sacrifice in the spring, when everything is 'new'. Just like how Jesus can transform our lives.

Remember boys and girls, Easter is not all about an Easter egg hunt and getting chocolate. I mean, I love chocolate too, BUT, it's important to remember WHY we celebrate Easter! Take time to think about how much Jesus loves us and that we can give our lives to Him.

Also, remember the Joykids Easter special is tomorrow! Yipee :) We'll be talking about the life of Jesus and telling the story of His death and resurrection.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at!

Thanks :)
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