Friday, June 24, 2011

Welcome Summer

Hello all!

Welcome to summer :) I LOVE, LOVE summer... I think I may have said that already in an earlier post.

Anyhow, the Joykids team is going to be very busy this summer. We've got a couple of Joykids live performances coming up (one is this Sunday, June 26th) at Roseville United Brethren church in Ayr. I'm looking forward to it! We've performed for them before and they are an amazing bunch of people!! Our shows have a lot of high energy things like puppetry, ventriloquism, skits, stories, games and prizes and illusions with a Biblical application. It's hard to believe that we've been performing the Joykids live shows for 12 years now! God has been so very faithful to us during these years too :)

Also, we've got performances in July, plus a few ones in August. All in all, a busy, but mega fun time! God is VERY good to us all, isn't He?

So, please be in prayer for us as we are on the road.

Thanks and have a great summer!

Please also feel free to e-mail us your prayer requests too. Dale, Shanarah and I love to be in prayer for our Joykids radio listeners. So, don't hesitate to let us know.



e-mail at:

Or, look for us on Facebook under Joykids Radio.

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