Friday, November 14, 2008


I've come to realize something in the past few days.  It's that I can't seen to get as much accomplished as I'd like in a day.  Let me explain.  I am a perfectionist, and for a perfectionist to not be able to scratch things off her to do list, well, let's just say it can get discouraging.

Before kids I used to be able to sit down and without being disturbed write in my prayer journal.  I could pick up the phone and catch up friends and even plan a visit spur of the moment.  Now, days are filled with disturbances, interruptions.  Everyday I am constantly juggling 3 or 4 things at once (yes, I know this is not a unique thing, many of us are wearing many hats).  

Two days ago, as I stopped doing the dishes to attend to my crying baby and help my daughter with her school work (she is homeschooled) I wondered (with great frustration)  if I would ever again be able to complete a task without having to stop repeatedly.

Then it hit me, how often I allow 'life' to interrupt my time with God.  How often do I pick up my Bible to read it and stop to answer the phone, how often do I start praying and then get sidetracked halfway through?  It was something that really struck me, that in our busy lives God can be and sometimes is pushed aside because we're running from thing to thing.  The reality is that Jesus took time out of a busy paced life to be alone with God.  He would withdraw from people to pray.

This is a lesson I need to take to heart.  We make an effort as a family to pray and read our Bible together everyday, but I must admit, it is 'interrupted' with 'daddy, I need a drink', a ringing phone and bathroom breaks.  

What simple changes can we make in our lives to give God our undivided, non-interrupted attention?  For starters, it could be as simple as spending 5 minutes in the morning when we normally pick up the paper to read our Bible instead, it could be listening to a sermon on our iphone while we're in line at the bank or sitting at the doctor's office and meditating on it while driving home.  Why not take 5 minutes together in the car/van as you're driving to school, hockey practice or church to pray as a family and share prayer needs and concerns?  Often, I find that if I am able to spend that time in prayer, I can focus on God easier through the day.  

I know in our multitasking society, that often it is hard to even think of adding one more thing to our day, or trying to rearrange things, but in the end, it will be worth it!

I'd love to hear your ideas on what you and your family has done or does to be un-interrupted with God :)

In Him

Virginia :)

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