Friday, November 14, 2008


I've come to realize something in the past few days.  It's that I can't seen to get as much accomplished as I'd like in a day.  Let me explain.  I am a perfectionist, and for a perfectionist to not be able to scratch things off her to do list, well, let's just say it can get discouraging.

Before kids I used to be able to sit down and without being disturbed write in my prayer journal.  I could pick up the phone and catch up friends and even plan a visit spur of the moment.  Now, days are filled with disturbances, interruptions.  Everyday I am constantly juggling 3 or 4 things at once (yes, I know this is not a unique thing, many of us are wearing many hats).  

Two days ago, as I stopped doing the dishes to attend to my crying baby and help my daughter with her school work (she is homeschooled) I wondered (with great frustration)  if I would ever again be able to complete a task without having to stop repeatedly.

Then it hit me, how often I allow 'life' to interrupt my time with God.  How often do I pick up my Bible to read it and stop to answer the phone, how often do I start praying and then get sidetracked halfway through?  It was something that really struck me, that in our busy lives God can be and sometimes is pushed aside because we're running from thing to thing.  The reality is that Jesus took time out of a busy paced life to be alone with God.  He would withdraw from people to pray.

This is a lesson I need to take to heart.  We make an effort as a family to pray and read our Bible together everyday, but I must admit, it is 'interrupted' with 'daddy, I need a drink', a ringing phone and bathroom breaks.  

What simple changes can we make in our lives to give God our undivided, non-interrupted attention?  For starters, it could be as simple as spending 5 minutes in the morning when we normally pick up the paper to read our Bible instead, it could be listening to a sermon on our iphone while we're in line at the bank or sitting at the doctor's office and meditating on it while driving home.  Why not take 5 minutes together in the car/van as you're driving to school, hockey practice or church to pray as a family and share prayer needs and concerns?  Often, I find that if I am able to spend that time in prayer, I can focus on God easier through the day.  

I know in our multitasking society, that often it is hard to even think of adding one more thing to our day, or trying to rearrange things, but in the end, it will be worth it!

I'd love to hear your ideas on what you and your family has done or does to be un-interrupted with God :)

In Him

Virginia :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm a Joy Kid!

My mane is Lazarus, You should write to us and say hello.  My Mom and Dad would love to hear from you. 

C ya L8ter!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Shanarah Boreland

Our helpful co-host both live on 

stage and with JoyKids Radio.

John G.

A Blessing
and a real
good looking

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I've been giving a lot of thought lately to being thankful, specifically about TRULY being thankful. How often do we thank God for all we have? Do we do it on a daily basis, at church once a week, or just at Thanksgiving when we are ready to eat a massive meal?

Sometimes it takes going through something very painful and hard to appreciate what we have. My parents divorced a few years ago, and I must admit that I hadn't truly appreciated our times together as a family until those times were 'different'.

My husband and I have gone through some health challenges over the last 3-4 years and we've become much more thankful for things like hospitals and doctors as a result of needing medical care. I know that our health care in Canada could be a LOT better, but we live in a country where we can get to a hospital and have stores stocked with medicines. We have the freedom to walk in to a church on a Sunday and to vote in an election.

All this to say that we need to be much more thankful for how God has blessed us. Often we get so wrapped up in our lives and circumstances that we forget to even thank God. Especially now with so much talk of a souring economy, we still have more than many others in the world.

I have not shared this 'publicly' before, but our son Lazarus was born in June 2008. He is a beautiful and healthy baby! A wonderful gift from God. I say this because he truly is a miracle baby. Lazarus was not expected, was not planned, but as I've learnt (and continue to learn) God has other plans for our lives!

Right from the start of my pregnancy there were complications and I spent much of my early pregnancy in bed. My doctor had trouble even hearing the baby's heartbeat and in fact I was told to 'prepare for the worst', it was suggested that I 'terminate' and that it would be a miracle if I carried the baby to term.

Those were not easy words to hear! My famiy rallied around me and got Dale, Shanarah and myself through Christmas (Dale even spent a few days in the hospital with a phneumonia over the Christmas week) and over the next several months I was given doctor ordered bed rest.

The only thing that got our family through this time was the prayers of our family. There were days it was diffiult as the physical pain was constant. Even with the bed rest order, I would go to my chiropractor weekly (thanks Dr Freddie for keeping me able to walk). People would comment 'oh, you look uncomfortable', but the truth was I could barely function. I lived with constant contractions and pain in various parts of my body because of the pregnancy, sickness was something my husband Dale and daughter Shanarah got used to. It was a tough time, I had never experienced pain like I endured during those months! Giving birth 9 years earlier to Shanarah was easier than my pregnancy with Lazarus!

But, the end result was so very worth it! Lazarus is wonderful, and I have thanked God for him everyday for his life. I would go through it all over again in a second to have him in our lives. God truly walked with our family and got us through it.

Through this all, I have appreciated so much more my family, my husband and daughter MORE than ever because of this. I appreciate being able to drive now after months of not being able to drive. I appreciate my health more, hospitals more, etc etc.

Please be encouraged this Thanksgiving! I know that everyone goes through different things and I don't want to make light of anybody going through a paintful situation, but I just wanted to share this in the hopes that it would encourage somebody. God will help you through your situation, whatever it may be! I am living proof!

If truth be told, I have struggled with this post. Exactly how to word it, what to say. People who know me well know that I am a private person. I don't like to share really 'personal' things with people I don't know (and here I am posting this on the internet!), but it was something that I felt I was supposed to do. So, please try to understand my heart in this. I want more than anything for you (the reader) to be encouraged no matter what you are going through. I want for you all to truly appreciate what we have been given, because we can in the craziness of life take advantage of all that is available to us in the Western world. Even with our economy as it is, we have a lot to be thankful for!

So, with that, I will close this 'novel'. God Bless you! Thanks to those Joykids listeners who continue to pray for us.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)


Friday, September 26, 2008


Hi there! This blog segment is for you, the Joykids Listener! Dale and I thought it would be fun to do a little post of some of the most common questions/comments that we hear about the Joykids radio show. So, here is an attempt to answer some of them...

I was thinking the other day about what we reallly do for the Joykids radio show... We continually run into people who are shocked that the radio show requires work outside of the radio station, or who wonder how we actually do the show and what do we do to plan our bantering (anyone who has listened to the show knows what I'm talking about, as we spend a good portion of the show talking back and forth with silly talking about, well, nothing).

So, without further ado, here is a short version of what goes into the show:

Well, through the week, Shanarah and I pick out the cd's (they are scattered throughout our apartment) and write up a run sheet of what order the songs come in. For a holiday such as Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving, we try to put a theme together. That can take at the least 1-2 hours and much more for the Holiday shows.

For things like jokes, fun facts and historical facts, I'm continually working on that. I will often be writing down thoughts as they come to me and Dale is continually laughing at me for ripping articles out of magazine that I want to share with listeners.

Dale will often think of things for our Joykids website (the link is listed on the right side of the page) and is the one responsible for putting together the 'tech'side of the show with making up the bumpers, music segments and computer aspect of Joykids. He will often help put the cd's together with Shanarah and I before we come into the station.

Things like Pray around the World (where we pick a country or place each week and ask people to pray for it) depends on a few things. Sometimes we get information about a country from the internet, or we use a couple of books that are wonderful teachers for children. Also, if there is a country that Dale and I have been hearing about on the news, sometimes we'll use that as the basis for the segment.

Also, for those of you wondering, we do not script out the show. It is all banter that happens spontaneously, based on articles I've found in magazines and articles I clip out of newpapers, items Shanarah has found in kids magazines and articles found on the internet.

So, there you have it! There is a lot of work that goes into the show.

We just wanted to give you a little behind the scenes look :)

For those of you who continually pray for the show, radio station and our family, THANK YOU!! It is such an encouragement to us.

Remember to listen into Joy1250 tomorrow at 8 am for Joykids!!! If you can't get it your broadcast area, you can go to and click on the link to listen in.

Bless you~!~


P.S. - If any of you have any questions about the show or us (maybe about our live performance show, how we got involved in radio) feel free to e-mail us at with those questions, who knows, maybe in an upcoming blog we'll answer them!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Good Morning everyone!!

It is just after 1 am on Sat night. Dale and I have just returned from Pigapalooza. It was a big fund raiser for two children in need, Becca and Jordan. It was a wonderful day, visiting with so many people (although I could have done without the massive mosquito bite on my forehead, now I have an oh so attractive red bump above my eyebrow, yeah baby!!!) and enjoying our last week-end of summer outside around a BBQ.

Dale and I performed some of our Joykids Live show. It was magical to see both Becca and Jordan laughing and enjoying the show. The kids enjoyed the puppets and illusions that Dale did (honey, you did a great job, as always) and we got to show off our baby Lazarus. I can also say that I've officially had a 'pig roast', that's right, a pig spit roasted and I must say it rocked! Becca REALLY liked the visit from the firefighters too.

I would just like to really give a HUGE thank you to Cheryl "Smitty" Smith for AGAIN putting such an incredible amount of work and effort into pulling off another Pigapalooza event. It is a mammoth undertaking for her to do this year after year to help kids in need, and she does it because she has such a big heart and truly cares about others. Thank you, thank you!

So, without further ado, I'm off to bed... The baby is asleep and I need to get some shut eye before he wakes up. I remember the days when I could go on 2-3 hours sleep but no more :(

I'll have photos from Pigapalooza in a few days and I can post some of them then.

God Bless everyone!

Virginia and Dale

Friday, September 19, 2008

Welcome to the Joykids Blog!!!

Hi there! I'm Virginia from the Joykids on Joy 1250.

Dale and I decided to start this blog and update our website because we often hear people asking about us. So, we'll be updating this blog so you can hear about fun antedotes from our lives (not that there's too many ...) learn about us and hopefully be encouraged through our struggles and triumphs.

I can't write too much tonight however, as I've got to get to bed! We've got the radio show tomorrow! In case you stumble upon this and don't know what I'm talking about, you can stream the radio show. Head over to and you can listen in, tomorrow morning 8 am (EST).

God Bless you!!

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