Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's day 2012

By: Shanarah Boreland

In Canada, we are celebrating mommy's day on the 13th.

Mom's, kids do not always think of them 24/7, and (I know being a pre-teen) teenagers don't really think about what mom's do for us everyday on average.

Mom's usually do 2.2 hours of chores a day (while dad's only do 1.3 hours of chores on average a day) and most of the chores done in the year are probably that 330 loads of laundry. All the traffic stress, rush hour (which should be called no rush for over an hour, j/k). Over a lifetime two weeks of her life could be waisted waiting for red lights to change. Many moms are stay-at-home moms even though they go so many places taking their kids to programs, school, friends, etc. they're actually out-of-home-moms!  Even more moms work full-time outside the home too.  Talk about busy!

So do something nice for mom. Even thinking about her all day can make a difference.

The most popular gifts for kids to give are:
- Homemade cards
- Flowers
- Breakfast in bed
- Favourite candy

So, this mother's day, think about mom and all she does for you, and just don't think about it for this week-end, but this week-end forward.
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