Sunday, November 29, 2009

Joykids web page!!

Hi there! Here is the link to our web page:


Hi there!

Welcome December :) That's right, December is right around the corner. It seems like only yesterday school was starting for another year and we were saying good-bye to summer. Time really does seem to go fast doesn't it?

For the month of December on the Joykids radio show, we're going to be talking a lot about Christmas. We'll be sharing fun facts about Christmas traditions, tips on staying 'sane' during the crazy, busy month of December and of course, talking about what Christmas is REALLY about!

That's right, Christmas is NOT about gifts, running around from errand to errand or getting ready for a big turkey dinner. It is about a child, born in a stinky manger surrounded by animals. Christmas is about Jesus, who left Heaven to come to us. That child lived here on earth, grew up and then died on a cross and rose again. All for you and me!

So, please remember that! It's so easy to get caught up in all the commercial aspects of Christmas. I admit it, I LOVE Christmas lights, having a Christmas tree and singing Christmas carols. I enjoy egg nog and the turkey dinner. But, let's not forget the real reason that we celebrate the Christmas season :)

God Bless you and remember the old saying "He is the Reason for the Season"


p.s. - The Joykids are taking a poll for the Joykids Christmas show. What is your favourite Christmas carol? Let us know, either on the Joykids facebook page, or e-mail us at! Also, remember to listen to Joykids on Joy1250, Saturday mornings from 8-10 am!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

News updates!

Hi everyone :) I hope you have been enjoying such a beautiful November!

It's wonderful to see the beautiful fall colours. The colours of the leaves with the bright blue sky. It is so glorious! Our Heavenly Father really did give us such a beautiful world, didn't He?

I have enjoyed seeing Lazarus, (our miracle baby) jump and play in the leaves. He is now almost 17 months old and is walking everywhere (he's also into everything...).

Dale is working on a production of the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe over the next couple of months. He's working with the sound and lighting for the production. I've seen the play and it's wonderful! So, we'll have more info on that later.

It's coming up to Christmas (in case you haven't noticed the stores putting up their red and green Christmas decorations and the commercials for Christmas on the tv and radio, lol). So, if any of you have things going on at your church (especially if you have kids productions) that you'd like us to talk about on Joykids coming up to the Christmas season, just drop us a line! We'd love to be able to talk about it during the 'What's up' segment, especially for the free events like a childrens pageants going on in December.

So, here's our e-mail again, for you to drop any info by us (like a joke for Joke of the Day, or for What's up! Or a prayer request). It's

Have a great day everyone! Please keep us in your prayers as we continue with a very busy fall and Christmas season and have a wonderful day.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Comedy Ventriloquist

Dale & Chee Chee put on a show that you can't help but laugh at. They have performed at outdoor events, private parties, children's clubs & Church events. You can have them join you for a fun time that you won't soon forget. Why not book Dale for your event:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

JoyKids Live

Back row: Virginia - Lazarus -Dale
Front: Shanarah

Shanarah with Wrinkels



Monday, May 4, 2009

Joykids Live

Hi there!

Hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather we are having :) I love spring, there is something about the leavings starting to appear, the flowers growing and the longer days.

This is also the time of year when our Joykids live show starts getting busy. We always enjoy this season when we get to go out again and bring our show to churches and events.

Through the winter, we've been talking about and working on new music for our puppets, working on new sing a long songs and gospel illusions.

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be adding photos and video clips of our show so that you, the readers can get a peek into the Joykids Live experience.

If you would like more information on having us perform at your church for a kids program or family service or event, you can contact us at Also, you can send us prayer requests, jokes for the Joykids radio show or free community events that your church has through that e-mail address.

Have a wonderful blessed Spring! God Bless you :)


Monday, January 19, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Welcome to 2009 everyone :)

I've been thinking about things we can do as a family to grow closer to God and act out a life more in tune to the Bible.  There are several things that we've been challenged with over the past year that we are trying to work through and others that are long habits which continue to strengthen us and keep us close.

First up should be obvious to anyone who has dedicated their lives to Christ and strive to follow Him.  It is to pray, not only ourselves, but as a family.  

I'm continually stunned by how many Christians leave all their growth to a Sunday church service and also  how few actually spend time together as a family in prayer.  

Children  learn by example so how are they to really grasp the importance of growing closer to Jesus and daily taking up the 'cross' if parents rarely do it themselves?  I know it's hard, especially when we are often running around from sun up to sun down, what between school, jobs, grocery shopping , after school activities, homework and housework there seems to be little time for anything else.  But truth be told, we will prioritize what is most important to us.  We can find the time!  Think of how often we are shuttling our children around in a car.   What about  writing down the names of a few people who we know need prayer (maybe a missionary from your church) and pray for them daily in the car while driving to school?  If the children are young, perfect!  It will help your child get into the habit of praying for others.  What about discussing topics from church around the dinner table?  I know for many people it is difficult because we are so busy, but the effort will be well worth it!

Also, when you pray together as a family, children are learning a habit that they will carry with them later in life.

Along the same vein about taking something with them in life is finances.  I have observed and learnt several things from my grandparents.  They save money and don't waste anything!  Such a difference from today's society.  We live in a throw away world and have really confused 'want' with 'need'.  We should be striving to give regularly to our church and brining our children into that process.  Do you sponsor a child?  If so,  make it a point for your children to write letters to him or her.  Through it all, you as a family will learn about how much we have here in Canada.

Remember that none of us has it all figured out!  Despite how it appears when we're on the radio, we don't have it 'together', there are many days when life gets us and all of our 'plans' go out the window.  I understand that every family is unique and we all have challenges.

 All I'm suggesting is that we do our best.  God understands us, but he also desires that we get to know Him, intimately!

So, work on it as a family, try to simplify your life, involve your kids in helping out a charity and pray!!!

God Bless you as we all embark on a New Year :)



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