Tuesday, May 26, 2009

JoyKids Live

Back row: Virginia - Lazarus -Dale
Front: Shanarah

Shanarah with Wrinkels



Monday, May 4, 2009

Joykids Live

Hi there!

Hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather we are having :) I love spring, there is something about the leavings starting to appear, the flowers growing and the longer days.

This is also the time of year when our Joykids live show starts getting busy. We always enjoy this season when we get to go out again and bring our show to churches and events.

Through the winter, we've been talking about and working on new music for our puppets, working on new sing a long songs and gospel illusions.

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be adding photos and video clips of our show so that you, the readers can get a peek into the Joykids Live experience.

If you would like more information on having us perform at your church for a kids program or family service or event, you can contact us at
contactjoykids@aol.com. Also, you can send us prayer requests, jokes for the Joykids radio show or free community events that your church has through that e-mail address.

Have a wonderful blessed Spring! God Bless you :)


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